Thursday, September 10, 2020

Thoughts For The Day

People, as Ayn Rand advocated, should check their own beliefs.

Those believe themselves to be "woke" are actually dreaming the Marxist dream.  Socialism is slavery and socialists are slavers.  As any Human Being is concerned, all slavers, regardless of what auditory garbage they put forth as an excuse, are enemies of Mankind fit only for extermination. 

In Russia high school students are required to read The Gulag Archipelago by Alexander Solzhenitsyn with assembling and disassembling a standard infantry weapon.  American high school students can't even do that.  American high school students are ignorant of Totalitarianism and tought to fear weapons.  Many American High School students have become advocates of Totalitarianism.  This is clearly wrong.

Antisemitism in politics is the practical equivalent of a dead canary in a coal mine, I can't say this often enough.  We should treat Antisemites as the enemies of Humanity they actually are.  The novel 1984 was written as a warning to all of us.  Not as an instruction manual for the Democratic Party or members of Anti-fa.  Control over everything and everyone productive must be a Democratic or a member of Anti-fa wet dreams.  Nancy Pelosi, lamp post, rope, some assembly required.

It's happening again.  We look at The Holocaust as vile act that it actually was, but we're looking at it objectively.  Apart from a handful of psychopaths, those who performed The Holocaust identified themselves as good people and their victims as vile people.  We're seeing this again with members of Anti-fa and Black Lives Matter.  We know the results of their political fantasy.

The next time some damned fool tries to tell me that I don't need to own a gun I'll not attempt to explain why individual gun ownership is a moral and political necessity.  I'll instead cut to the foundation of their presumption.

Something like this:

You are NOT my fucking god, PISS OFF!

They have no right to exercise godlike control over our lives.  If they can't live with that fact then perhaps we should see to that they don't.

The assholes who once spat upon American servicemen and called them "baby killers" were all members of a political movement whose most powerful and consistent members had snuffed out over 110 million human lives, including the lives of many babies.  Who're the real baby killers here?

A mere pacifist, one who disdains violence without engaging in political action is simply a moral parasite in a free nation.  On the other hand a politically active pacifist, one who uses their vote or an elective office to interfere with the prosecution of violent criminals and the defense of a free nation, is a traitor who cloaks their actions in the shroud of righteousness. 

To those value power above all, no act in the pursuit of power is too depraved.  Anyone who feels that they're automatically right is automatically wrong.  Those who carried out The Holocaust believed they were victims fighting evil.  Those who'll carry out the next great mass murder will believe themselves to be victims fighting evil.  Thus power must be dispersed, diminished, destroyed, or simply deleted altogether.  If it weren't for the capitalist system most of the professional opponents of capitalism wouldn't have made it out of the uterus at birth..

There's a proper term for those who deny your Right of Life, they're properly called mortal enemies.
Unfortunately, Janet Reno has died of old age, so she can't hang for the Waco Massacre.

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