Wednesday, November 04, 2020

Thoughts Of The Day

The posture of righteousness isn't identical with simply being right.  When one scratches a self proclaimed liberal one will find the fascist underneath.  There's a proper term for those who deny your Right of Life, they're properly called mortal enemies.

One of the functions of language is to serve as the operating system of human thought.  But the function of Newspeak is to prevent correct identification of the facts of reality.  Thus bloodsoaked tyrants  are called liberators are called oppressors.

Il Duce, the original Fascist, used to be a leading socialist intellectual and even received fan mail from Lenin.  The fact of the matter is that the ideologies of Socialism, Fascism, et al, are nothing more than an attempt to give the appearance of legitimacy to old school savagery, which is basically the old stone age practice of beating up other people and taking their stuff.  Nowadays, whenever I see a "progressive" sign on a front lawn or a bumper sticker on a car I think, "murderer."

Whoever wrote Cult Of Personality got Hubbard's number.

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