Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Thoughts Of The Day

Some people wander in and read the blog, they repeatedly miss the point.  

Some piece of trash sent me a message, and I quote:

"Just remember however yoy (sic) vote. I'll Be cancelling your vote with mine."

This piece of trash doesn't care how many of us will be murdered so that it will feel good about itself.   I can't stop anyone from behaving as a Totalitarian piece of trash, Conservatives (and Libertarians in general) can treat them as such, from the neck until dead in the Nuremberg style.  Those who support monsters shouldn't be surprised to be treated as monstrous.

The total ideology of The Left can be politely reduced to one word:


Over the previous two centuries The Left has generated immense quantities of text and verbiage to conceal this fact.  But when the results are exposed the true goal of The Left is revealed.  the obtaining of Power as a mode of existence can only be practiced as long as there are victims.   Once the victims have isolated themselves from those who seek Power, or have died off, the power trippers themselves must die off.  Of course The Left is fully aware of this and as a result have actively to maintain their hold on their victims.  Even going as far to use deadly force on some victims to frighten the remainder into compliance.  But because the victims are themselves beings of definite limits even fear as control mechanism will fail as the victims reach their limit to produce.  The system of the power trippers will absolutely fail.  This has happened several times in recorded history but The Left refuses to understand the lesson.

I'm fallible and I've made mistakes.  I made the mistake that opponents of Gun Control were being spoken to, in fact the proponents were being spoken to.  An example is below in italics.

I'd never heard the word "twit" before I began watching Monty Python's Flying Circus on the local public television station as I was growing up.  When the Twitter service became available I avoided it because I associated the name of the service with the concept of "twit."  As reported by Twitchy.com, the so called comic Sarah Silverman has unintentionally confirmed the validity of my decision.  Fortunately spittle can't be transmitted through the Internet.  First Silverman addresses us, the real citizens who accept responsibility for the armed defense of ourselves, our families, and our nation, with an apparently new pejorative term: Gun Boners.  The fundamental rule of argument is to address your audience with respect.  This is the case especially with those who clearly disagree with your proposition.  But then Liberals rarely had respect for their opponents or their victims.

The truth is never true to a Liberal.  Horrible things happen because the perpetrators believe they're the good people.  If a Progressive want to see someone who hates all they have to is view themselves in a mirror.  When I was involved with the U of M Objectivist Club we had several lecturers from the Ayn Rand Institute.  One of the lecturers was Dr. Peter Schwartz on the subject of Environmentalism.  The club put up several posters advertising the lecture.  Some of those posters were replaced by leftists with posters with obscenities scrawled on them, including swastikas.


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