Thursday, November 19, 2020

Thoughts Of The Day

Enslavement by vote is still the act of enslavement.  A Democratic Socialist is still a Socialist and still an Enemy Of Mankind.

Corruption notwithstanding, the worst of those who who follow Biden and Harris do so out of a belief in their own infallibility.  A large part of this feeling of infallibility comes from their adherence to what they feel to be a inerrant or infallible holy text.  Of course they have paid no attention to the fact that the author of the text was in the failure mode the moment he left school.  My fear is, given my own reading of history is that ending of this mess will involve a machine gun and a really long ditch.

The idea that Jeffery Epstein (who could testify against Hillary) was murdered is being dismissed as a conspiracy theory.  The Mainstream Media Drones are reporting Jeffery Epstein committed suicide.  Only the Mainstream Media Drones as well as those who listen to them believe it.  Any person or organization that objects to the establishment of a system of accountability may not be doing something that they don't want to be held accountable for, but that's certainly the way to bet.

The original National Socialists in Germany had to establish a Reichsministry to bring the press under control.  Yes, it is.  The one thing that the willfully depraved are loathe to do is to acknowledge the fact that there are people who are in fact better in some respect than they are. To make such an acknowledgement is to issue an indictment of themselves and their own actions.  The willfully depraved will murder individuals or even exterminate entire nations before they will recognize the truth about themselves.

As it's the guide to how the Federal and state governments must act with regard to the issue of religion, I'll quote the First Amendment of the Constitution:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

It should mean that the force of The State doesn't back a faith.  Scientology interprets this as immunity from prosecution for its numerous crimes.


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