Wednesday, November 18, 2020


 On this day in 1978 another experiment in socialism failed.

Today's the anniversary of the Murder of Congressman Leo Ryan and the other deaths in what became known as the Jonestown Massacre.  Of course in order to create Jonestown the Rev. Jim Jones, as a self-styled Apostolic Socialist, had to totally ignore the historic one hundred percent failure rate of voluntary socialist communities.  In 1978 The People's Temple was a cult focused on the personality of Jim Jones  and his doctrine of Apostolic Socialism.  Which offered eternal salvation as a trade for self subjugation to the leader.  With this social-political premise the terminal failure of their colony was effectively ordained.   There're limits to what one can do in good faith.  The phrase, "drink the Kool-Aid", which commonly meant to participate in a mass suicide originated at this time.

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