Monday, October 05, 2020

Thoughts For The Day

Leftism is basically an excuse to feel smugly superior to everyone else without regard to actual knowledge, actual ability, and the actual consequences of their actions.  Voluntary Socialism has been repeatedly proven (The Plymouth Colony, Jonestown,etc.) to not work.  Thus in order for Socialism to "work" it has to be made compulsory, through the credible threat of violence against productive persons.  Which means that any social concept that restrains the power of the state, such as the Rights of Life and Liberty, has to be rendered invalid. Preferably by the victims themselves.  What Ayn Rand used to call the Sanction of the Victim.

The members of the KKK, the NSDAP, the CPSU, the CCP, The Khmer Rouge, etc, believed they were good people doing things.  We're seeing this again with members of Anti-fa and BLM.  Anyone who believes that they're perfect isn't paying attention.  Good intentions never result in large body counts.  To deny free will is to deny personal responsibility for one's own actions.  And in an age when one can kill more people with the stroke of a pen than with a lifetime's use of a personal weapon that's a pretty useful excuse.

When I was in the Army I used to tell other people that I was from the Soviet Socialist Republic of Minnesota.

One of the things that is really bothering me is that it appears that we are living out the opening chapters of Atlas Shrugged as well as the Civilization Collapse part of the back story of Starship Troopers

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