Sunday, October 04, 2020

It's Happening Again

How did The Holocaust happen?

Race A was told they were the victims of Race B.  We saw this in the original Holocaust when the Germans (so-called Aryan Race) were told by the NSDAP that they were the victims of the Jews.  Thus The Holocaust occurred.  We're seeing this again when BLM is telling the Blacks that they're the victims of the Whites.

But in reality ancestry is unchosen so it should be politically irrelevant.  This was a controversial idea when the late Dr King proposed it in the early Sixties.  It shouldn't be a controversial idea now but remains so today.  Holding someone responsible for their race is something only practiced by the Racial Collectivists that once ruled Germany, now are ruling North Korea, and now lead BLM.  Anyone who believes that an individual has no inherent Right to Life is capable of believing anything and as history has demonstrated capable of doing anything.

Voltaire said it: Those who believe absurdities will commit atrocities. 

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