Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Quote Of The Day


My wealth is spear and sword, the stout shield which protects my flesh; with this I plough, with this I reap, with this I tread the sweet wine of the grape, with this I am the entitled master of the serfs.

-- Cretan Warrior (Quoted by John Keegan in A HISTORY OF WARFARE, page 242)

The parasite basically views the productive population as a form of livestock.  Therefore anyone who objects to this status or otherwise resists the moral and legal primacy of the parasite is identified as a diseased animal and is dealt with as such.  Sometimes the whole herd is subjected to culling, as the Ukrainians were under Stalin, Lenin’s command to kill the Kulaks weren't aberrations, they're simply instances of the normal behavior of parasites in power.  Rational people will tolerate the long and drawn out appeals process for death penalty cases, as frustrating as it is, because they want to be certain that an innocent person won't be put to death.  The parasites, when they're in absolute power, simply don't care.  Rational people believe in liberty and justice.  Parasites on the other hand, don't care how high the pile of human corpses is as long as they are firmly seated on top.

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