Thursday, October 08, 2020

Thoughts For The Day

If O.J. Simpson had stayed home on that horrible night he'd still have a career, real friends, the annoying former wife, a reputation as a stand up guy, and most importantly no one outside of the Los Angeles area would've ever heard the name Kardashian.

When anyone is allowed to vote then anyone will vote.

We need to treat The Democratic Party as the hate group that it actually is.  My question is: Can we now do away with the polite fiction that the Democratic Party is a legitimate political faction and start treating it like the gang of traitors and thieves that it really is?  What's the difference between a Social Justice Warrior and a Brownshirt?  A member of the John Birch Society once told me that monsters are never hiding under the bed, they're sitting behind desks and standing in front chalkboards.  The original National Socialists in Germany had to establish a Reichsministry to bring the press under control.  The American media is voluntarily covering the backside of The Democratic Party. The Truth frightens the parasites.  The one thing they can't tolerate is The Truth.  Because The Truth is they need us but we have absolutely no use for them.  Democrats at the present time have essentially degenerated to the point where they use words in a way that's opposite of their correct meaning, just as the old Soviet Communists did in their day.  When the Mainstream Media acts as the propaganda arm of a political party then the Mainstream Media will be identified and dealt with as such.

We must recognize that warm body Democracy doesn't work.  The fact is that all forms of authority are based on knowledge and political authority is no exception.  But in the present system political authority is granted to any warm body without regard to their the actual state of knowledge.  As a result some warm bodies have traded their votes for a material object such as an IPad or a wad of cash.  Or worse they've traded their votes for the warm and fuzzy feeling of having been compassionate.  The Democratic Party is effectively an industrial scale version of the Manson Family with postgraduate degrees and paramilitary swat teams instead of LSD and old kitchen knives. 

Some Democrats presented themselves as tolerant, in fact they're intolerant.

It really sucked to be Socrates in the democratic state of Athens. 

Humanity isn't merely a physical condition, it's a state of mind.  To be human is to be essentially rational and productive.  The human mentality (or soul) looks upon the world, the land, the animals and plants, the natural forces, as things to be mastered for the benefit of himself and his posterity.  On the other hand, the predator, or savage mentality does not seek to to master the world, but to be the master of men.  The savage prefers not to sustain himself by his own effort, but to seize and consume the lives and property of others for material and spiritual sustenance.  To the predator, justice consists of "getting away with it", those who rightfully resist the predator are to be punished or destroyed.

Idiots exist.  If I have a suggestion for anyone it's to mentally step back and look at what you actually believe.  You may not like what you find. 

Those who want to disarm citizens believe they're good people, so did the members of the NSDAP and the Khmer Rouge.  To disarm the citizen is to render him politically irrelevant, the statist can do  anything to their victims.  David Hogg, and other advocates of public disarmament, believe they're good people, but in Objective Reality they're clearly evil.  Tyrants prefer disarmed subjects.



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