Sunday, October 11, 2020

Thoughts For The Day

I remember when I could purchase a candy bar for a nickel, today that same candy bar is priced over a dollar.

I think the whole doctrine or practice of Leftism in general can be reduced down to eight words:


Well, that's my theory.

The problem with human sacrifice is that there is always a mess that someone has to clean up.  Evil people don't understand they're evil, they believe they're the good guys.  Evil people want to silence opposition, but the truth is always there.  Criticism must always precede correction, but totalitarian states always forbid criticism, that's why totalitarian states always fail.  A government that's not accountable to The People is a contradiction in terms.  It's no more than a puffed up criminal gang.

Censorship is the negation of the human mind.  As rational thought is necessary to living a human life the censor, and those who demand it, are Enemies of Mankind.  In my view censors are vermin fit only for extermination.

Those legislators who prefer to feel that they're on the side of progress (but who in fact haven't had an original idea since the Stone Age) are invariably envious of the profits made by major corporations.  So much so that at every opportunity these self-styled guardians of the common worker will levy a new tax on corporate profits to the thunderous applause of the ignorant masses.  The dirty little secret that Lords of The Left and their sycophants in the mass media refuse to tell their victims is that each new tax levied on a major corporation has absolutely zero impact on corporate profits.  The fact of the matter is that taxes levied on business are part of the cost of doing business and are passed on to the consumers of goods with the services created by that business.  A tax on a corporate profit is in fact a tax on you.

If Conservatives dealt with the adherents of Liberalism the way The Left has dealt with humans in general whenever The Left has obtained unrestrained power, there wouldn't be any Liberals left standing.  Of the universities and the urban centers of Liberalism there would be nothing left but smoking ruins, and there would mass graves from coast to coast.  We need to face the fact that the present day Left, like the unschooled barbarians who plagued civilization before them, are essentially parasites.  If the Huns or the Mongols were to take "no" for an answer to their demands for food and other material goods they would've died very quickly.  Control of the productive population is essential for their survival and well being.  Compulsion, taking things and persons by force, is inherently necessary to the parasite manner of existence.  Those who resisted had to be killed as an object lesson for others.  The Left not only need material support they also need spiritual support as well.  They need to feel that their victims are not only submitting to them today but will do so tomorrow as well.  Barbarian chieftains and tribal witch-doctors demanded degrading and often dangerous acts of worship from their subjects, up to and including human sacrifice, in order to assure themselves that they would still have a roof (or a tent) over their heads and food to eat the next day.  Those refused to obey were worked over by the goon squad or simply killed.  In the classrooms, editorial offices, and coffee shops of the Left the demand is for unquestioned agreement without regard to the actual facts of reality.  The self styled intellectuals of The Left are the first to demand “speech codes” and other forms of censorship lest they be identified as frauds and poseurs and subsequently bounced out of their comfortable ivory towers, no longer insulated from a real world that demands real thought and real labor.  The Left, being dependent upon others for their sustenance, must stand in opposition to the society of rational consent and openly support systems of compulsion, be it various species of Socialism or the witch-doctor rule of Islam, because to do otherwise is to condemn themselves to death.  Of course, in my view, if The Left would just die it would be nice. 

Why does Bullwinkle the Moose keep trying to pull a rabbit out of the hat?  In spite of clear evidence that it's toxic some people continue to believe in enforced economic equality which was the doctrine that served as the foundation of the Soviet state.  And because the Soviet state enforced a falsehood it had to act in an adversarial fashion with respect to Humanity in General.   Like the Church of Scientology the Soviet State must lie to everyone without exception.  The continued fail of a cartoon character to perform a magic trick is funny.  The suffering that'll be inflicted by The Left will be nothing short of appalling, and most importantly it'll be absolutely preventable.

The facts are that no two people are identically productive and there will be a difference in economic effect.  Weather has been and will continue to be driven by natural causes and is completely out of Human control.  And the species Homo Sapiens in the political context must be seen as a single race, the idea of morally and politically distinctive races was a fundamental cause of the lethal nightmare of the last century.  Yet the believers in these and other falsehoods demand that we submit to their insanity.

Those of us who end up in the conservative camp, by conviction or by default, know damned well that he or she is fallible, that is capable of making a mistake.  As a result each of us makes the effort to obtain all the valid information possible and to separate truth from falsehood.  But the folks on the other side see themselves as perfect, superior, or infallible.  They don't bother to make the effort to see the truth because they feel that they already know the truth.  Thus they stumble about from screw up to screw up.  And they're utterly mystified as to why we won't willingly follow them into the hole. 

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