Sunday, August 30, 2020

Thoughts For The Day

Newspeak has become the dominant dialect of the academic and media establishment.  In Newspeak those who uphold, defend and spread economic and political liberty are called Conservatives while those who seek to lock humanity down under their total control are called Progressives.  In the political context the practical meanings of the political labels are reversed.  A function of language is to serve as the operating system of human thought.  But the function of Newspeak is to prevent correct identification of the facts of reality.  Thus blood soaked tyrants are called liberators and actual liberators are called oppressors.  Since clarity of thought, which is the correct identification of the facts of reality, is necessary for humans to survive and prosper a language form that obscures facts and disconnects thought from reality has the effect of being toxic to Human Life.  Each subsequent revision of Newspeak, with its increasing disconnection from reality, is increasingly toxic to human life.  An ultimate version of Newspeak in which any thought is impossible would be completely lethal.  Thus if we're to survive and prosper as individuals and as a society we must remove the practitioners of Newspeak from the educational and media establishments and if necessary isolate them from society altogether.

I have a clue for Fox News: There's no balance between Truth and Falsehood.

On Vegan propaganda: Let's start with the fact that not all land used for pasture can be converted for grain or veggie production.  Let's also note that a large part of what meat animals are fed, such as hay, and shredded corn stalks, is waste material from food production for humans.  The elimination of meat production would actually require an increase in the use of land for farming in order to make up for the deficit in food production.  In other words, the Vegan propagandists are engaging in mental inversion mode as usual, and let's face it, a diet without meat is unbalanced.  The Vegans that I've met tend to resemble socialist labor camp inmates without the labor camp haircut and they tend to do stupid things like voting for Democrats or Communist trash like the Green Party. 

Those who ideologically separate themselves from Humanity shouldn't complain about being identified and treated as a hazard to Human Life.  Political Ideology's basically a means of giving the appearance of positive virtue to actions that're morally intolerable to the victims.  The Left in its fundamental form is a group of essentially parasitic beings that wish to demolish the present consent-based American social-economic structure and replace it with a coercion based political order that they regard as morally superior.  Unfortunately for us The Left's ideal version of America strongly resembles a Überkonzentrationlager with themselves as the commandants and overseers.  Anyone who stands in the way of The Left in their quest to subjugate the American republic, policeman, citizen soldier, or President Trump, is rhetorically blasted as being the vilest of monsters. Those who've consistently demonstrated their hatred of American liberty, such as Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi, are worshiped as though they were the enactors of the divine will.  To govern is to restrain, those who can't or won't restrain themselves have no place in a social institution whose function is to restrain others.

The Left passionately hates the Police and the Armed Forces both of whom have traditionally stood in the path of Holy Marxist Revolution and thus the establishment of the Holy Communist Society where all activities and relationships are dictated by the self-appointed revolutionary saviors and enforced by the compulsory power of the state.  The obvious corollary is The Left appears to have a passionate love for the destroyers of civil society such as violent criminals and organized terrorists.
For a Leftist government to authorize the use of deadly force against any group of rioters would constitute a betrayal of its fundamental political premise, that civil society, where economic and social relationships are based on consent is fit only for destruction.

We need to treat Joe Biden as the Enemy of Mankind he actually is.
Enemies of Humanity Barack Obama and David Miscavige have bought their own death sentences.

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