Friday, August 14, 2020

Thoughts Of The Day

Asking about the condition of Shelly Miscavige is a perfectly reasonable question that nobody SHOULD BE punished for asking.

I have a suggestion: Watch this YOUTUBE video.

Some people have come out as Gay.  So what?

Those who can't remember the past are condemned to repeat it a highly sought after voting bloc.

Anyone who feels that they're automatically right is automatically wrong.  Anyone who feels that they're infallible is already in the failure mode.

Revolutions happen because the State fails.  Political Power needs to be understood as the vice that it actually is.  The proper way to deal those who proclaim themselves to be your masters is to exterminate them.  Many Leftist Politicians need to be identified dealt with as Enemies of Mankind.

There's a very simple way to not do time for a crime, to not commit the crime.

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