Sunday, August 16, 2020

Thoughts For The Day

Antisemitism in politics is the practical equivalent of a dead canary in a coal mine, I can't say this often enough.  We have to see that Antisemitism is a symptom of a deeper philosophical problem.  We should treat Antisemites as the Enemies of Humanity they actually are.

A right of the individual is a restraint upon the powers of government and society as a whole.  Which is perfectly all right for those of us who're rational and productive.  But to those who irrationally choose parasitism as their mode of existence an individual right is like staring at the muzzle of a shotgun that is aimed at their own heads.  The parasite basically views the productive population as a form of livestock.  Therefore anyone who objects to this status or otherwise resists the moral and legal primacy of the parasite is identified as a diseased animal and is dealt with as such.  Sometimes the whole herd is subjected to culling, as the Ukrainians were under Stalin.  Lenin’s command to kill the Kulaks and Ibarruri’s open contempt for the lives of the innocent weren't aberrations, they're simply instances of the normal behavior of parasites in power.  Rational people believe in liberty and justice.  Parasites on the other hand, don't care how high the pile of human corpses is as long as they're firmly seated on top.

Many of us proudly proclaim, "NEVER AGAIN", but it's happening again.  Many of those who're proclaiming, "NEVER AGAIN", will be those who'll make it happen again.  Members of BLM should look at their images in the mirror, they may see a member of the next great Racial Collectivist gang.  One of the things we should've learned during the Century of Death is that anyone could become a evil person.

Amateurs study tactics, professionals study logistics, unless you're in the Wehrmacht.

That which doesn't kill you isn't trying hard enough.

The distribution of sacred swords by strange women who're lying in ponds may not be an effective basis for a form of government, but it may be better than what we have now.

Homosexuality may not be a big deal.

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