Monday, November 11, 2013

The End Of The Road Revisited

Salena Zito at Real Clear Politics wrote:

In nine days, this town will commemorate the 150th anniversary of Lincoln's speech with a ceremony at the same Soldiers' National Cemetery featuring the U.S. Marine Band, Governor Tom Corbett, and a reading of the Gettysburg Address... One person who will not be among those honoring Lincoln is President Barack Obama.


Why is that?

The battle of Gettysburg is seen by historians as the high water mark of the Confederate cause. But what was the cause of the Confederacy?

In my present view it was Elitism.

The Southern states were politically dominated by the slave holding class. A group of men who saw themselves as entitled to the labor of African slaves and the obedience of common white men. With the wealth and free time taken from the backs of their slaves they came to dominate the Southern states of the American Republic. The rise of the Republican party came as a result of the citizens of the North becoming tired of the abuses inflicted by the Southern Elites. The Southern Elites saw no alternative to preserve their class privileges but to leave The Union.

The War of Succession was presented to the common citizens of the South as a struggle for liberty but the fact was that the actual objective was to preserve the power of the Elites. When conscription was imposed on the South the slave holding class was essentially exempt from it. The true view of the common citizens by the Elites was made clear for the first time.

With the defeat at Gettysburg the cause of the Confederacy and the Elites who ruled it had no place to go but down.

So why would Barack Obama, someone generally identified as a Marxist, decline to participate in the ceremonies at Gettysburg?

Because Marxism is an elitist doctrine. It was created by a self-appointed elite for the benefit of the self-appointed elite. Marx, Engels, and their subsequent followers, saw themselves, without qualification, as the masters of the actually rational and productive citizens of their nations. Their efforts, as with the Southern Elites, were to control and use people for their own benefit. Regardless of their public statements the natural inclination of the Marxists is to side with their fellow users of humanity.

On this basis it's no surprise that The Big Zero is a no-show at Gettysburg.

Yes, I know this rant is a bit sloppy, but what are your questions?

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