Monday, September 06, 2004

Hello Motherland!

During the Second World War the Russian crews of towed anti-tank guns, who could not retreat and thus had to fight to the death, had the habit of painting the words "Goodbye Motherland" on the barrels of their weapons.

Vanderleun at the American Digest writes about one of the consequences of the Beslan Massacre:

"Rodina" -- the massing of Russians behind the nearly holy cause of protecting and defending "the motherland," is not a term any Russian politician would use today. It carries too many memories of Stalin and the Soviets. But the emotion behind it remains. And the echo of what the United States discovered about terrorism three years ago and what Russia has concluded yesterday is distinct. What it portends is even clearer. The Alliance is back.

The old Alliance of World War II's drive to destroy fascism is rising along with Rodina. The United States, Britain and its coalition. Now Russia. Others will come in their time and as they discover the terrible truth about this enemy on their own soil.

The enemy and those that harbor and support him would do well to look carefully at what is coming for them. The careful and caring Wilsonian policies of America are one thing. Russia is never quite so delicate or patient.

The last time the Alliance rose and moved as one to destroy not only the enemy, but the centers of the enemy's mass, the butcher's bill was terrible. The masters of terror now face a deadly dilemma -- how to achieve their goals and sustain their power without unleashing on themselves and their captive populations the one war the west does best: total war.
There have been three options for dealing with those who have pursued the Islamic fantasy of power and eternal glory.

First, surrender to them. Second, sort out the terrorists from the general muslim population ourselves. Or third, to follow the policy orginally devised by a prince of the Latin Church, which is described in our current vernacular as, "kill them all and let God sort 'em out."

Surrender was never an option, and while President Bush has expended American lives and treasure in the furtherance of the second option, the Beslan Massacre and the coming restoration of the Grand Alliance is bringing closer the day when genocide, third and final option, is carried out.

Since September 11 I have not believed we will be content with 'The Forever War.' I have always known that there would come to us or to our nuclear allies a single terrible day with a single terrible event. On that day our response would cease to be 'measured' and that we would then, each of us in our souls, and all of us as citizens, say simply "Enough."

With the rise of Rodina and the reformation of the Allies, that day has suddenly come much, much closer. It will be a day so terrible that it will give us all pause. It will be so terrible that God himself will pause.

Then, like Rodina, we will rise and go on with rebuilding the life we have taken back from the Masters of Terror. And they shall be ash.

Needless to say, before one can learn to live with one' self, one still has to live.

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