Thursday, December 03, 2020

Thoughts Of The Day

What's the difference between a Fascist and a Progressive?  One wears a silly uniform and the other's just silly.  At the core of both movements is the belief that all aspects of human life must be controlled by the apparatus of the State.  Or, to put it another way, it doesn't matter if you're bitten by a rabid doberman or a rabid poodle, you're still going to get rabies shots.  The State, like fire, can be useful but it has to be limited.

Looters need Producers.  Producers don't need Looters.  The Looters despise The Rule Of Law because under The Rule Of Law the Looters would be imprisoned or executed.  Some people identify themselves as Progressives, but in fact they're Reactionaries.  Why?  The predator culture has existed from the stone age.  Predators are dependent on the thought and labor of the productive member’s of society for their sustenance and their excuse is a claim to superior status which is literally enforced by deadly force.  The dismissal of their excuses are in practical effect a death sentence to the predator.  Thus predators are hostile to reason and must actively opposed it, even to the open use of deadly force.  Some predator have created an academic culture that's now opposed to rational thought.  Falsehoods are now treated as facts and truths are held to be untrue.  And if a failing grade isn't sufficient to silence the critic open force will do.  So what's to be done?  How do we respond to the insanity?

Those who stand up for Liberty are called Conservatives and those who oppose Liberty called Liberals, this is nothing but Newspeak.  There are always those who follow orders, no matter how insane they are.

The members of the Democratic Party want to eliminate the Electoral Collage and the National Rifle Association.  The Electoral College and the National Rifle Association were created due to the membership of the Democratic Party.

Even though many Communist states that existed fell or had retreated from their doctrine the American fellow travelers who supported the ideology remained in place in the United States.  Here they continued to preach their doctrines and eventually their students would take full control of the nation.  Those who say that they oppose Fascism are in fact Totalitarians.

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