Thursday, December 10, 2020

Thoughts Of The Day

Some people don't understand the difference between a thug and a soldier.  The Citizen Soldier of a free nation is living proof that the ideology and worldview of the Leftist is wrong.  The Leftist wants to believe that a soldier is an essentially mindless thug who robotically obeys their political masters regardless of the consequences.  In fact it's the mindless thug that the Leftists (and parasites in general) needs in order to inflict their will upon their productive subjects.  The Soldier on the other hand must be actively conscious in order to survive on the battlefield and carry out his mission.  Every one of them, from the individual rifleman to the commanding general must constantly perform the Boyd Cycle, the Observe-Orient-Decide-Act loop, as quickly as possible in the course of the conflict.  The Soldier, being mentally active as a virtue, can see through the reams of nonsense emitted by the Leftist demagogue.  And is thus feared and hated by The Left in general.  The Thug on the other hand may be useful to the Leftist ruler but is utterly useless on the battlefield. 

Thugs can be useful in the civil context.  I once had to close a checking account at TCF Bank.  The person I was talking to was making excuses for not complying with my request.  It was only when I told them that I would call the MN Attorney General’s office did they comply.  I suppose it did help that the sitting Attorney General was the DFL goon Skip Humphrey, who had a reputation of being one trench coat short of being a proper Soviet thug.

The Iron Law Of Bureaucracy is that no effort is made than is necessary to collect a paycheck.  I learned about the Iron Law Of Bureaucracy through direct experience.  When I was in the United States Army and stationed in the Harmony Church section of Fort Benning I had a dermoid cyst that had to be removed.  I was notified by receptionist at the troop medical clinic that I'd already missed two appointments to have the cyst removed.  I was never notified that the appointments existed, the receptionist called the company headquarters, twice.  As far as she knew I'd been notified when in fact I hadn't.

Was it necessary for the company clerk to notify me to collect the paycheck?


There's always been a normal way to deal with those who value political power (such as Hilary Clinton, Gavin Newsom, and Democrats in general), it's called a noose.

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