Sunday, December 20, 2020

On Anti-Fa

If there were no other ill effects I would support Anti-Fa just to see all the smug assholes who support them get some Gulag time.  Nothing like being the star in a live performance of DARKNESS AT NOON to give someone a real appreciation of what Socialism is really like.  We shouldn't be surprised by the existence and degree of insane or outright stupid behavior on the part of those who deem themselves superior to us mere mortals.  The illusion of superiority allows the parasites who make up The Left (and National Socialists are Leftists) to exempt themselves from the rules of the Society of Consent that's the foundation of Western Civilization.  So necessary is the illusion of authority to the parasite that he'll invent facts and rewrite reality to create it.  The fact of the matter is that Leftists lie.  They lie to themselves.  They lie to each other.  And whether they intend to or not they lie to us.  On obvious consequence of this phenomena is that rational debate with a Leftist is simply impossible.  Only violence or the credible threat of same.  The reality is that cannibalism is what some people have to do in order to survive under Communist rule. The rulers, of course, are never short on food.  It's the normal practice of totalitarians to defame their victims, creating the illusion of legitimacy, before murdering them.  In dehumanizing the victims they're in fact dehumanizing themselves.  With a death toll of well over 100 million the Communists have thoroughly demonstrated that they're Enemies of Human Kind in General, and fit only for extermination.  It was clear to every rational observer that a member of Anti-Fa was absolutely unfit to exist in the real world.  It was clear that a member of Anti-Fa possessed no valid understanding of human life and of the government that protects it.  It was very clear that a member of Anti-Fa had been indoctrinated in the falsehoods of Marxism and was an adherent of the antihuman doctrine of Environmentalism.

Socialists are inherently parasitic and thus can't take "no" for an answer to their demands for obedience and the material goods they need to exist.  If they did so they would wither away and die.  A dictator, on the other hand, doesn't have to take "no" for answer.  Thus socialists are by necessity inclined to favor dictatorships over citizen ruled republics.  When they see a dictator in the dock, they see their own hopes and desires go with him.  Just because someone else is holding the gun doesn't change the fact that someone's engaged in the act of robbery.  Of course being a Progressive means never having to pay attention to the lessons of Human History.  To deny free will is to deny personal responsibility for one's own actions.  In an age when one can kill more people with the stroke of a pen than with a lifetime's use of a personal weapon that's a pretty useful excuse.


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