Saturday, January 23, 2021

Thoughts Of The Day

A number of people regardless of their political orientation, including myself, have warned of a coming civil war.  Leftists have done what they've always done, they ignored the warning.  What will Leftists do when their victims (with their fists raised in the air) march down the street shouting, "Hell no, we don't owe?"

Leftists believe they're the good guys with their victims and opponents being evil.  Leftists believe they're the oppressed the when in fact they're the oppressors.  Leftists don't believe the truth, that the presidential election of 2020 was clearly stolen and that a civil war will be the result.

Reality can't rewritten by the wish of anyone, no matter what their intentions or ideology.  Instead of objectively observing the real world and thus learning how to master it.  Leftists willfully ignore the facts of reality and stumble about in a surreal fog from error to error and to ultimately stumble about from disaster to disaster.  Leftists openly state their desire to rule over the whole of Humanity and then proceed to conclusively demonstrate that they're totally unfit to do so.

Your feelings don't matter.  You're not entitled to a damned thing.  Reality is always there.

I was invited to join the Michigan Militia when they were forming up, but I didn't want to quit my job and move to Michigan.

Antisemitism in politics is the practical equivalent of a dead canary in a coal mine, I can't say this often enough.  We have to see that Antisemitism is a symptom of a deeper philosophical problem.  We should treat Antisemites as the Enemies of Humanity they actually are.

If I've a complaint about The Right it's that we've shown infinite  and godlike patience with the behavior of Leftists.  Leftists can assault in public those who won't submit to them,destroy property, call for the mutilation of opponents, and the murder of elected officials who're carrying out their constitutionally mandated duties, we'll not lift one finger to hurt a single hair on the otherwise useless head of a Leftist.  I once told an editor that I worked for that we needn't rhetorically dehumanize our opponents, all we have to do is accurately describe their ideology and behavior because they've by their own choice dehumanized themselves.

Projection is when the self appointed deity, sitting on a throne of human skulls, points a finger of a blood stained hand at those who seek to stop his rampage and screams "murderers!"

Before labor there must be thought.  Anyone who doesn't know what they are doing is wasting their time.
If one were dealing with an honest pacifist then their fundamental error is that he or she treats the state of peace as an absolute value without regard to conditions or consequences. Values are in fact conditional.  Peace is only an affirmative value to those who live in the condition of liberty, that is being rightfully in charge of one's self and able to set the goals for one's own life.  Peace can't be a value to the subjects of a totalitarian socialist state.  To the victim of such a state, the ordinary worker who is bullied by a commissar, the inmate of a slave labor camp, or the occupant of a darkened cell awaiting murder at the hands of the local chekists, war, either an internal uprising against the socialist masters, or an invasion by an army of liberation, is in fact the positive value.  But if there is anything that I have noticed over the years, it's that most self-proclaimed pacifists are in fact also advocates of totalitarian socialism who have worked within our political system to prevent the overthrow of their Marxist brethren in other nations.  Isn't it about time that the self-styled peace movement be exposed and dealt with as such? 

They call themselves Democrats but in fact they're totalitarians, let's treat them as such, in the Nuremberg style.


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