Wednesday, January 13, 2021

On Fascism

In reality both the Fascisti (with their ideological kin the National Socialists) and the self styled Progressives of all eras share the same fundamental central idea, a belief in the Primacy of the Parasite.  A belief that treats the ordinary person as a tool to be used, with the product of their labor treated as the property of the collective which in turn is distributed in accordance to those needs which are identified by the leaders of the collective.  And as a rule the needs of the leadership, which is in reality a wish list, take precedence over the actual needs of the productive class.  Because willful parasitism is distinctly different as a mode of existence from that of being a rational and productive person, this leads to distinct differences in how parasites answer moral and political questions.

Where rational people prefer to deal with each other through explicit consent the parasite must take what it needs through coercion, either by fraud or by open force.  Because the parasite must control the productive population it must claim a superior status over their victims  and must possess complete control over them.  This means that the parasites conception of law and justice is essentially the opposite of that of rational people.  Justice to a parasite is simply getting away with the parasitic mode of existence.  Crime is simply any resistance, regardless of intent or degree, to the actions of the parasite.  Laws are simply an excuse to carry out punitive violence against the producers.  The parasites in their delusion of superior status are tempted to feel that the ordinary productive person is nothing more than an animal.  And because they usually succumb to this temptation they usually seek to control the external stimuli that ordinary humans experience and thus control the behavior of those they have deemed to be livestock.  Thus the establishment of the Reichsministry fur Kultur by the German state under the NSDAP.

Of course the control of external stimuli doesn't work with rational people.  When the attempt to control by fraud doesn't work the parasites have no alternative but to use open force.  To the parasites the active consciousness of the rational person isn't a normal state but is instead a sign that there's something wrong.  Those who don't obey the self appointed shepherds are looked upon as diseased animals.  Something that must be destroyed before they infect the entire herd.  The systematic murder of whole populations is looked upon not as a mass crime but as a moral necessity in the parasite's view.

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