Friday, January 08, 2021

Thoughts For The Day

Antisemitism in politics is the practical equivalent of a dead canary in a coal mine, I can't say this often enough.  Antisemitism is bad enough, but it's also a symptom of a deeper political problem.   

Civilization in both the moral and economic aspects is based on the principle of consent.  But since productive people can't tolerate any form of sustained parasitism, those who seek to exist as parasites must destroy the society of consent and replace it with a political order where the parasites would enjoy a superior status over the productive.  We have to remember that The Left regards existing societies as an evil to demolished in order to make way for their perfect fantasy collective.  Anyone, or any group, that acts in defense of the existing society is evil in the eyes of The Left.  They have an idea, it's to replace the society of social and economic consent that we live in with the social and economic primacy of the parasites over the productive.  Or as their primary philosophical source (and founding trustifarian) put it, "from each according to their ability, to each according to their needs."  And as there's no limit to the needs of the parasite masters there'll be no limit on the burdens imposed on the productive slaves.  Poison is poison no matter how much grape flavoring one adds to it.  They can't avoid knowing that their ideal society is toxic to us and thus have no effective choice but to attack the opposition on trivial issues in order to head off a public examination of their basic ideological premises.  Political ideology is basically a means of giving the appearance of positive virtue to actions that're morally intolerable to the victims.

Sometimes it really helps when the opponent is being stupid.

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