Saturday, September 13, 2008

Thought for the Day

There are those who believe that the path to power goes over the dead bodies of the innocent. On the other hand I believe that the path to peace leads over the dead bodies of those on the path to power.


AuricTech said...

Or, as I recently posted on my blog:

"The road to Hell is paved with the bodies of those whom Barack Obama has thrown under the bus."

Anonymous said...

why does their have to be dead bodies on the road to peace? is not there a better way?

Leslie Bates said...


Because some dumbfucks won't take take "no, I will not submit to your will" for an answer. The example of Lenin screaming for the death of the Kulaks, Russian peasants who refused to be slaves of the collective, readily comes to mind.

Most of the time they don't even bother to ask. They will simply go straight to violence to enforce their will upon others.

Those who only allow you the options of submission or death, for example Adolf Hitler and the NSDAP, are nothing more than vermin fit solely for extermination.