Saturday, April 22, 2023

Rant On Assassination

The fact is that the assassination of a significant political figure is essentially a suicide mission.  The term assassin is derived from the Islamic cult of the Assassins.  A group whose members were induced into performing suicide missions through the use of hashish.   

Even though more than sufficient grounds have been provided for a seizure of the Federal Government by force it will not happen because those who can do so understand that the false president Joe Biden isn't the cause of the problem, he is merely the symptom.  The actual problem is the subculture holds the rights of individuals in contempt and is willing to use force to reach their goals.  A single assassination will not solve this problem.  

Though there is no shortage of trained individuals who are able to carry out the mission it will not happen because we who have the necessary skills understand that it would be futile.  If the false president Joe Biden were assassinated it will be the result of someone who identified him as insufficiently Marxist in action.  If it did happen it would be from a former supporter or an inside job.

The fact of the matter is that I openly stated that His Imperial Majesty the false president Joe Biden isn't worth the effort and hazard of removing by lethal force.  He's not worth the bullet. 


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