Friday, April 28, 2023

A Rant On Gun Control

There’re the moral parasites who're mainly moral narcissists who don't care about or flat out deny the actual effects of the enforcement of their whims as long as they can strut about as superior beings and feel good about themselves.  A favorite, and thoroughly reprehensible, tactic of the Gun Control Mafia is the exploitation of surviving relatives of the victims of violent crimes.  For example John Crozier of Dunblane, Scotland who publicly said:

    My daughter's right to live is more important than anybody's right to shoot a gun.

There's a reason people like this are called peasants or serfs.  Let’s consider the inherent contradiction in this particular mouth dropping.

A firearm is a tool.  Properly used it’s an instrument of the Human will.  It’s an instrumental means of sustaining and protecting the life of a Human Being. To say that a Human Being doesn’t have a right to own and properly operate a firearm is in practical effect to say that a Human Being doesn't have the right to live.  Because a right is a concept that's universally applicable to all persons Goodman Crozier has just denied his own daughter's right to live.

What can I say?  What an (expletive) idiot!

What the parasites and moral narcissists who push gun control refuse to see is that to totally disarm the citizens of a Free Nation requires the deliberate exercise of deadly force against individuals who rightfully refuse to surrender their arms and who in no way have violated the life, liberty, or property of any other person.  The end of civil disarmament can’t be brought about without the murder of people who in objective reality are innocent of any wrongful act.  Those who would disarm us are nothing less than mortal enemies of all rational human beings.  As far as I am concerned such depraved persons should be dealt with as wolves are.  It would take a Progressive mentality to believe that the total confiscation of arms which requires lethal force against the innocent will somehow prevent further bloodshed.  In fact an attempt to carry out a program of total confiscation will create a bloody mess and will be a just cause for a civil war that'll be far more costly in human lives than our first American Civil War.

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