Thursday, April 27, 2023

On Environmentalism

Because rational persons who naturally refuse to believe the nonsense emitted by Environmentalists won’t voluntarily limit the number of children they have so that a bunch of moral parasites can feel good about themselves there’ll be open calls for limitation of Breeders by force.  This will be followed by those true believers in power by the actual exercise of force to control breeding through forced abortions and sterilization.  Which in turn will be followed by the elimination of those Breathers who’re deemed by Environmentalist Elites (the Elect of Gaia, as it were) to be useless or "counter-environmental."

The nice words for this are subjugation and murder.

We shouldn’t be the slightest bit surprised that the Environmentalists will join the ranks of the mass murderers because they like the Socialists that they evolved from basically see productive humans as livestock to controlled and used.  They see us creatures without a right to live.  There's a proper term for those who deny your Right of Life.  They’re properly called Mortal Enemies.

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