Saturday, August 30, 2008

Thought for the Day

For the position of Vice President The Big ZERO picked a place holder, in effect he chose another zero. On the other hand John McCain didn't just choose a running mate, he has chosen a successor.

Senator McCain thought ahead. One has to do that in order to survive hellholes like Annapolis* and the Hanoi Hilton.

The Big ZERO, an obvious child of affirmative action, and the puppet of George Soros, the Kennedy Clan, and the Chicago Machine, really and truly didn't think about the issue at all.

What are your questions on this block of instruction?

* Inter-service rivalry joke. I'm an Army guy. Okay?



Mark said...

Senator McCain's choice of Gov. Palin was brilliant at several levels.

One being that it highlights Bark H. Obama's lack of experience. Palin was taking on corruption in her own party when Obama was voting "present" in his part time job in the Illinois state legislature.

While Barry was a "community organizer", she was a mayor of city of almost 9000 people. That is the equivalent of a being a CEO of a medium sized company.

Leslie Bates said...

On the other hand Palin's opposition to "The Corrupt Bastards Club" may have resulted in her nomination as a way to remove her from office. Just as in the case of Teddy Roosevelt.

Mark said...

Anne Coulter said that the division in the Republican party wasn't between the Tea Party and the RINO establishment, it was between the party grass roots and the big money political consultants. Those very expensive consultants are the idiots that McCain hired and lead him to defeat. Those same consultants hated Gov. Palin. She was a Grass Roots candidate and very popular with the voters. She drew much bigger crowds than McCain, which they hated.

To annoy them even more, she has gone on to endorse more winners than they have managed to get elected.