Friday, October 04, 2024


Of course we could also ask a question of the caring and compassionate champions of the peasants and livestock, did the thought ever cross whatever passes for your mind that the alternative to a crappy job with crappy wages is NO JOB AND NO WAGES AT ALL?  No.  The thought never does, but the campus Marxists will continue to strike their feel good poses at the expense of real productive people.  

What we have in the White House is the most ignorant and incompetent  (as well as senile) individual to have ever held the office of President.  He doesn't understand that Reality is real.  He doesn't understand the nature of human life and human society.  And most importantly he doesn't understand the nature and purpose of government.  And with the apparent belief in his own infallibility he's clearly in the failure mode.  It's not at all surprising that the United States Government is in the failure mode.  

The Elites need us, we don’t need the Elites.

I’ve been called a “bigot” numerous times because I didn’t believe in a person’s orthodoxy.

Blind obedience is NEVER an option. 

When an insane person is put in charge that person will give insane orders.


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