Sunday, April 28, 2024

Thought For The Day

There's atheism and then there's Atheism.  Mere atheism is simply disbelief in the divine and as such is not a holy cause to which all other actions are subordinated nor is it an affirmative virtue which cancels out all other personal faults.  Whereas Atheism with the big "A" takes what's an otherwise simple philosophical position and blows it up into an illusion of positive virtue.   Atheism with a big "A" allows dull and ordinary people to feel and pose as if they're somehow superior to the mass of humanity.  Atheism with a big "A" also provides reactionary garbage such as the Marxists a means to pose as some kind of progressive vanguard when in fact they're simply putting a philosophical polish on the neolithic practice of beating up and killing people then taking their stuff.  As a mere atheist all I have to say to the big "A" professional Atheists is: go home, grow up, and get a life!

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