Monday, July 03, 2023


In reality individuals and groups that consistently practice the virtues of rationality and self discipline will always have an advantage over those who don't.  A fundamental part of rationality is the understanding that there's always something more to learn.  That life is THE learning experience.  What one doesn't know WILL hurt them.  The Southern white boy whose personal library consists solely of The Bible has a clear advantage over the African tribal chieftain or a Marxist.  I wouldn't trade being the former for being any of the latter.

The fact is that Judaism, with the idea of a parental God, is a fundamental part of our civilization.  Where pagan deities were malevolent or useless at best, God at the core of the Western Monotheist Tradition (WMT) is the creator, teacher, and the positive example that we try to follow in our own lives. 

So when someone attacks Jews they're attacking all of us. 

Vladimir Putin has been between a rock and a hard place since he ordered the invasion of The Ukraine.

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