Saturday, July 09, 2022


Conquerors (like the Russians) tend NOT to tell the truth. 

Western (NATO) armies should be taking notes in the Ukraine.

"Let it be asked how any person wholly devoid of talent, skill, accomplishment, wit, beauty, charm, or even the practical ability to earn a living by routine labor, can conceivably become an object of flattering, greeted with applause and given a hearing for the feeblest inanities -- obviously nothing will serve except political position."

-- Isabel Paterson, The God of the Machine (1943) 

Reality IS never subject to a majority vote.

If we look at The Democratic Party and their relationship to the problems we face at the social or political level one thing becomes very obvious.  They're either the primary cause of the problem, the primary aggravating factor of the problem, or the primary obstacle to a rational solution to a problem.  What The Democrats should do, as the late Ayn Rand put it, is get out of the way.

The first violent crime was committed before the recording of history when some now nameless thug turned his spear, a tool created to feed and protect human beings, against another human being to take by violence something from that now nameless victim.  The fundamental crime of The Democratic Party is to turn the apparatus of government, at all levels, local, state, and federal, against the people that governments were created to protect, the productive citizens of a free and civilized nation.  The Democrats have rejected the principle of consent as the basis of the social and political order and have sought to materially and spiritually benefit from the coercion of the productive population.  Their preferred method of obtaining power, the simple majority vote (or the claim of same) with no constitutional restraints on power obtained, is simply the exercise of brute force given a happy face.  They've appointed themselves a class of masters and condemned us, the Citizens of the United States, to servitude to them.  This is morally intolerable.  If our families and our nation is to have a future then The Democratic Party, and their bipartisan country club collaborators, must be permanently removed from office and rendered permanently impotent in the political sphere of action.  And if this means that some of their dead bodies have to be dropped into the nearest convenient landfill with the rest of the garbage, then let us do it.  I know that cancer surgery and chemotherapy is rough, but the alternative is simply unacceptable.  I believe that we should be no less ruthless in the effort to destroy the tyranny of the looters and to create a new rational political order for ourselves and our own children.

While the adoption of the Primacy of the Parasite as the fundamental moral and legal paradigm of our nation is significant.  It's in no fashion honorable.  In fact I'm hard pressed to politely describe how utterly vile and loathsome I find the actions of the false president Joe Biden, The Democratic Party, and the Washington establishment in general, are in bringing about the present appalling state of our national affairs.

The Left can't deal with reality because in Reality they're the bad guys.  They're constantly trying to live off the work of others thus they have to control their "livestock" by force.  Since reason tells us that such behavior is morally intolerable they're left with emotional whining as their means of justifying their actions and allowing themselves to feel good about it.  Any refusal to accept the emotional bullshit and obey the self-appointed masters is automatically translated on the emotional level as something to the effect of "die motherf**ker!"  That's my theory, anyway.

There has been for the last several decades an effort by the local members of the Democratic Farmer Labor Party to build a rail based mass transit system.  Part of this effort involved the practice of deliberately under funding the construction of maintenance of local highways to give the appearance of legitimate necessity to their rail scheme.  This simply reaffirms in my mind my belief that the word “Democrat” is now a synonym for murderer.

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