Monday, July 11, 2022


If The Democrats want to behave like Socialists, fine.  Let's treat them like Socialists like other Collectivists, in the Nuremberg style, from the neck until dead.  Many people on The Left scream about selfishness, but are the most selfish people out there.  Many people on The Left use other people to feel good about themselves.  From the absolute origin the doctrine of Communism was the result of the rejection of Reason.  In fact the doctrine of Communism is essentially an excuse to behave as predatory animals.  Thus all conceptions of a moral law, including virtually all laws based on the doctrine of a religion must be rejected outright.  As God is held to be the author of moral law in the Western Monotheist Tradition his existence must be denied by the practicing Communist.  This leads to the posture of Communists of being Atheists.  The fact is power over productive people is fundamental goal of the practicing Communist and therefore they'll use any excuse, or body of excuses such as Liberation Theology, to obtain it.  

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