Monday, February 21, 2022


Democrats want to be tyrants. 


We know how to deal with tyrants.  In the Nuremberg style, from the neck until dead.  (A firing squad works okay, too.)

Has the thought ever occurred to anyone that Jesus Christ died for God's sins? 

Expecting the Mainstream Media to lie is like expecting water to be wet.

Under the Primacy of the State the function of law is to control the productive population for the benefit of the ruling parasites.  The rulers and their immediate servants aren't subject to those laws themselves.  The actual interest of the actual citizens is irrelevant.  What matters is the whims of the rulers and those who willfully serve them.  Under the Rule of Law all real laws must be applied to all citizens equally such as the laws prohibiting homicide and theft.  As our Socialist rulers and their willing servants regard themselves as exempt from compliance with the laws on what grounds can they claim to be protected under them?

Once force is openly used against those who speak out against The Left then the gloves will come off and force WILL be openly used against the Left.  Once The Left openly repudiates the rules for living in a civil society then their victims will no longer see themselves as subject to those same rules.  Or to put it another way to The Left, break the rules of civil society and you will leave us no choice but to break you.

Update 1450 HRS: The bank accounts of Canadian protestors are being shut down.  Ayn Rand once said that a threat to a person's livelihood is a death threat.

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