Sunday, August 15, 2021


Man is a being of both mind and body.  When our ancestors began to create tools and use them to alter the environment for their own benefit the emphasis of the evolutionary process shifted from the strength of the physical body to the strength of the mind.  Our numbers began to grow as we learned to harness and control natural processes such life cycles of plants and animals.  But some so-called men, whom we should call savages or barbarians, chose a different path.  Instead of harnessing and controlling nature they chose to harness and control other men.  They took the tools that were created to improve human life and used them as instruments of subjugation and destruction.  The first of the barbarians took the spear that was invented to hunt animals for food and used it to murder and enslave other men.  Some of the present day barbarians took some commercial airliners and used them to snuff out thousands of lives as a sacrifice to a false god.  And then they have the bloody nerve to call themselves progressives. 

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