Saturday, July 24, 2021

My Thought

To the parasites, like the Democratic Party, power over the productive citizens of this nation is necessary for their very existence.  In short, and I simply can't emphasize this enough: POWER IS LIFE.  Any restraint on that power, be it the freedom of speech and press, the rights to self defense and to bear arms, or the free election of public officials (and laws regulating who may hold a specific office) is a danger to the parasite's continued existence.  I would expect the Democratic Party to band together and claim that the "will of the people" in some way trumps The Constitution, the terms under which the Federal Government was established.  Joe Biden and his closest supporters apparently believe that're on the "Progressive" version of a holy mission.  To quit is to negate the self-concept that they have adopted for themselves. I absolutely believe that the act of surrendering power is literally unthinkable for them.  Quite frankly I really think that he would rather die than surrender power.

What are your questions on this block of instruction?

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