Wednesday, February 03, 2021

Thoughts Of The Day

It took less than a term for Barack Obama to replace Jimmy Carter as the worst American president.  It took less than a week foe Joe Biden to do the same thing.  (I'm so old, the United States Army was still issuing the M1 "Steel Pot." as a helmet when I was in it.) 

Those politicians who prefer to feel that they're on the side of progress (but who in fact haven't had an original idea since the Stone Age) are invariably envious of the profits made by major corporations.  So much so that at every opportunity these self styled guardians of the common worker will levy a new tax on corporate profits to the thunderous applause of the ignorant masses.  The dirty little secret that the lords of The Left and their sycophants in the Mainstream Media refuse to tell their victims is that each new tax levied on a major corporation has absolutely zero impact on corporate profits.  The fact of the matter is that taxes levied on business are part of the cost of doing business and are passed on to the consumers of goods with the services created by that business.  A tax on corporate profits is in fact a tax on you.

The National Socialists prevented us from seeing the Soviets as they actually were, a bunch of slavers and mass murderers.  

As to active opponents of national defense, apart from those creatures who sexually molest children, I think there's no one more depraved or despicable than a politically active pacifist.  But that’s a rant for another time.  What we call the Peace Movement doesn't understand reality.  Peace, Freedom, and Security, are three words rational people use for the same phenomena, the absence of someone imposing their will on them.  Rational people have no use for those who proclaim themselves to be pacifists.

When I used to write for The Resister I wrote a feature called the Moral Decision Game in which the would-be patriot insurrectionist had to deal with an anticipated moral problem.  The situation that I presented in the proposal for the feature involved unarmed pacifist demonstrators blocking a choke point.  When I showed the proposal to my landlady she asked me how she was supposed to clean the blood and gunk off of the tank treads.

I could go on about what I really think of peace activists but I'll keep it short by paraphrasing Keith Richards: I don't have a problem with shooting peace activists, I only have a problem with the police.

Conscience and Liberal are two words that don't go together.

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