Sunday, February 07, 2021

Another Step Back, Part 4

January 15, 1976
Washington, DC, United States of America.

President Richard Milhous Nixon hated the Uptimers.

The Uptimers made numerous changes on their own.  Other people made their own changes.  The Black Monday massacre, the slaughter of students at the Holland Elementary School in North East Minneapolis, including the future author of The Concept Of Government, by some Black Panthers.  The Uptimers had their own response to these atrocities.  The Black Panthers and the Democratic Party at the federal level were exterminated by the Uptimers.  The Uptimers lasered from orbit every home owned by George Soros, they really hated him.  Senator Edward Kennedy was tied up and placed in the back seat of a used Oldsmobile.

"Say hello to Mary Jo for me."  Evelyn Boatman said as he shoved the used Oldsmobile out the back of a lander.

The Uptimers exterminated several groups, including The Church of Scientology.  The Uptimers also hated the Communist Chinese, even more than they hated the Democrats.  President Nixon would never visit Chairman Mao in Peking as he was killed because of the Uptimers.

Starship Owl, Beyond the orbit of Neptune.

The hyperdrive was rebuilt according to the instructions of a reincorporated Englishman, Stephen Hawking, and reinstalled.

"There's your problem."  He said.

The mixed crew of Uptimers and Downtime American volunteers were about to do a test jump.

Starship Eagle, Geosynchronous Orbit.

The second incarnation of Ayn Rand ran about the sick bay while she was watched by Doctor Alice Boatman and the first incarnation of Ayn Rand.

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