Thursday, July 23, 2020

Gun Control In Action

It doesn't matter what anyone believes, Reality remains real.

The military arm is the symbol and instrument of political authority.  The citizens of a free nation have a commanding voice which a politician may ignore only at their peril.

An advocate of Gun Control asking a member of the National Rifle Association how many people they killed is like a National Socialist asking a Jew how many people they have ripped off.

A moron once called me a murderer.  I was an annual member of the National Rifle Association at the time and was attending the annual meeting and she was leaning out of a car window and yelled at me as I was walking on the sidewalk in Downtown Minneapolis to the meeting.

How many people have the National Rifle Association (apart from members of the KKK) killed?


It's time that the advocates of Public Disarmament be treated as the Enemies Of Mankind they actually are.

The actions of Collectivists (such as the NSDAP and the CPSU) are seen as evil.  (General Patton actually vomited during an official tour of a concentration camp, that was never shown in the movie.)  But we're looking at those actions objectively.  Subjectively, the perpetrators of The Holocaust actually believed they were the good guys doing good things and those who opposed them were evil people.  We're seeing this again in the actions of Anti-fa and Black Lives Matter.

What part of "NEVER AGAIN" wasn't understood?
Anyone who tells you to disarm is not your friend.

This is what Gun Control actually looks like in action:

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