Sunday, June 07, 2020

Thoughts For The Day

If anything should've been learned from from The Century Of Death (a.k.a The 20th Century) it's that cowardice isn't an option.

The election of Donald Trump (as well as Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan) was a rejection of the will of The Left.  If they cant live without power over us, then we as Americans will see to it that they wont.

Public education in the United States was designed by the closet communists of the so called Progressive Movement to indoctrinate Young Americans into becoming drones in their future communist collective.  If the bloody red banner of Communism is ever raised over this great nation its because The Left had a part in making it happen.

 The unavoidable fact of reality is that the self-styled "peace activist" isn't a morally superior being, he or she is a willing accomplice to conquest, slavery, and mass murder. They're an active hazard to human life.  Or in an ancient tongue: hostis humani generis, an enemy of mankind in general.  In my view killing a so-called peace activist isn't an act of murder.  It's a morally necessary homicide carried out in defense of self, of one's family, of one's nation, and of Humanity in General.

Just because your holy book says that someone with a particular characteristic should be thrown off a building shouldn't mean you should do it.

The photographs of Tank Man usually published show him blocking a platoon of tanks.  He actually blocked a battalion of tanks.

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