Tuesday, February 04, 2020

Something I Wrote For The Resister


#1: Blue Tet (or Tet '08)

The United Nations has sent a force to intervene in the ongoing civil war on
the side of the People's Democracy. At least one PDA/SF A team was caught
infiltrating to the ConGov provisional capital area to link up with a remnant
of the local PDP.

As one of the opening moves in the "Final Offensive" there is a systematic
effort to assassinate government and CA officers including battalion
commanders. During the ensuing chaos, where you have NO idea if there's going
to be a real government in place tommorow, you find that the CO of your MP
battalion, his wife and his children of has been murdered and that the
murderer has been captured by your company.

How do you deal with this Hero of Democracy?

School Solution and Commentary (still a bit rough)

Murderers are to be summarily executed.

At first glance this appears to contradict the conclusion reached in MDG#1.
However, the solution of MDG#1 presupposes the existance or immanent
reestablishment of civil government.

In the case of the collaspe of civil government, the responsibility to judge
offenders and the authority to act on that judgement, which is delegated to
the government revert back to the individual citizens and soldiers.


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