Thursday, April 09, 2015

Recycled Thought For The Day

Yes, this is a rewrite:

A basic premise of Collectivism is that all people need a leader to think for them and to collectively direct their lives. In the Collectivist view the Russians needed a big brother or father figure such as Stalin, the Chinese needed a Mao, the Koreans (not just in the north) needed the Kim Dynasty.  And we in the United States absolutely require the guidance of The Big Zero. 

(Of course any sympathies the Left ever had for fellow socialists like the Austrian Corporal or the Loud Mouthed Italian fellow have been quietly dropped down the memory hole.)

This is, of course, a total fantasy.

The Shepherd Fantasy appears to be a psychological device that Collectivists use to evade knowledge of, or to mentally blank out, the fact that they are not really useful members of a human society but are truly nothing more than a bunch of parasites and outright predators who are feeding off their betters.

As Ayn Rand once pointed out, they need us. We on the other hand, have absolutely no use for them.

So why won’t the Collectivists get out of the way of those of us who live in the Real World?

Because they know that sooner or later, we will properly identify them for what they are, and that we will eventually turn our guns upon them.

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