Saturday, September 07, 2013

Saturday Morning Thought

Those of us who live in the real world saw Barack Obama in 2008 as being fundamentally unfit to serve as the President of the United States. But he was elected by corrupt people who expected and ultimately received payoffs. Or he received the literal blessings of those who saw him as a magical man who would perform miracles at will.

But reality is real. He was never an actual magical man and no one can actually perform miracles. Merely an empty man.

There was no question in 2012 and absolutely no question now that Barack Obama is unfit to hold office. Not only that, but he does not understand the actual function of the office of the President. He clearly does not under that the president is a servant of the people, not the master of us. He does not understand that the armed forces and the people in general are not his to use and abuse as he sees fit. And he is ignoring the adverse effects that his reign is having on us.

(Oh, by the way, his "L'etat c'est moi" attitude is really getting on my nerves.)

But now The Big Zero is determined to enter into a completely pointless adventure that will have no positive effect for our nation and will result in the needless deaths of our service members. This mistake may also result in the triggering of a Third World War.

The thought of dying to fight the Soviet Union was frightening. I cannot begin to explain how appalled I am at the thought of being sacrificed to please the worthless soul of The Big Zero.

What are your questions on this block of instruction?

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