Wednesday, November 05, 2008


The nightmare has begun.


Unknown said...

Speak for yourself, for most of us the nightmare is finally OVER.

At least for those of us who support and defend the actual constitution of he United states of America.

Mark said...

Barak H. Obama has shown no respect for the 1st, 2nd or 4th Amendments to the Constitution of the United States so far. Given his record of breaking his written and spoken word, there isn't much hope of him showing respect for the rest of the fundamental legal document of this country either.

The corrupt Chicago democrat political machine now has the reins of government. We are in for "Interesting Times."

Leslie Bates said...

As a post operative transsexual Dana Wolfe is a walking exercise in self deception.

Dana, you have placed a Marxist, a mass murdering psychopath, into the highest office. Innocent people WILL die because of what you have done.

You have sold this nation into slavery. You have surrendered any and all claim to the title of Human Being, and all right there of.

Should I survive the coming storm I will personally see to it that you and your little friend Emi go for a dance at the end of rope.

In short. die.

Leslie Bates said...

I forgot to mention that Dana (the former Doug Graen) is also a Truther. One of those people I was referring to when I made the comment about the validity of Leftist conspiracy theories.

Dana also has a concealed carry permit and usually carries a Glock 36. I expect Dana to be picked up by the bad guys as a result of this.

This might actually qualify as funny.