Friday, September 27, 2024

On Socialism

Let's talk about Socialism.

We must understand that Socialism is essentially a Master/Slave ideology.  If you pardon me for quoting the First Trustifarian, "from each according to their ability, to each according to their needs." And for the Socialists as with the antebellum slaveholders the needs of the masters will always be much greater than the needs of the slaves.  The Socialist master class both here in the United States and abroad basically see themselves being dispossessed of what according to their ideology is rightfully theirs.  Control of their slaves and the products of slave labor.  What shouldn't be a surprise to us is that the response of the Socialist master class and their supporters is in many ways similar to the actions of the antebellum slaveholder class and their supporters.  Those who reject the chains of The Left are subjected to public ridicule and slander by the self-styled intellectuals and subject to physical violence by the goon squad with the ski mask replacing the white sheet as the attire of choice. 

If you will pardon me for the use of shocking language, to the master class of The Left, we who reject the chains of Socialism are no better than a bunch of "Uppity Niggers." It shouldn't be a surprise to us that they're treating us as such.  If we want to go on the ideological offensive (Or is it the Counter-Offensive?) we should simply point out the fact that the socialist economic structure is based on SLAVE LABOR.

If you'll pardon me for repeating this, "from each according to his ability -- to each according to his need."  This is the literal description of a slave labor economic system.

It's invariably the full socialist states such as the Soviet Union, the Third Reich, and the various People's Republics of Whatever that build and depend on full service slave labor camps to create the goods that they need to survive.  It's the Socialist parties in the otherwise Capitalist nations of the West that act as if wealth, the product of everyone's thought and labor belong not to the individual who created it but to some manifestation of the collective as a whole and thus act as if a robbery has occurred when the true creators of wealth are allowed to keep some of it.  The Socialist is for the most part someone who declines to live the essentially rational and productive life that is proper to Man, and instead goes to great lengths (including the total disconnect from reality) to cook up excuses to grab the wealth created by others. As if the goods and services created by others were something naturally found in nature.

Instead of living as rational people Socialists choose instead to exist as less than rational animals.  Perhaps we should start treating them as such.  Let's start by voting them out of office and go on from there.

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