Monday, January 15, 2024

On Despotism

The leaders of the Democratic Party (or more accurately, the Despotic Party) whine about how conservatives lack compassion but are invariably unconcerned about the victims of Socialist despots like Stalin, Mao, Fidel, Pol Pot, and the North Korean Kim Dynasty.  The Democratic Party is really nothing more than a gang of despots, traitors, thieves, and murderers.  Why don't we stop pretending that The Left represents any kind of legitimate political interest?  The fact of the matter is that The Left as it is presently composed is little more than a band of brigands, parasites, and outright moral nihilists.  Unfortunately, the Country Club Conservatives are too busy jamming their noses into each others terminal orifices to notice this and do something about it.  To deny free will is to deny personal responsibility for one's own actions.  And in an age when one can kill more people with the stroke of a pen than with a lifetime's use of a personal weapon that's a pretty useful excuse.

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