Monday, June 19, 2023


You don't know everything, live with it.  It's easier to be honest than dishonest.  Everyone has their flaws.  But some people allow their flaws to dominate them.

Isabel Paterson, a friend of Ayn Rand, had something to say about the phenomena of Leader Worship:

“Let it be asked how any person wholly devoid of talent, skill, accomplishment, wit, beauty, charm, or even the practical ability to earn a living by routine labor, can conceivably become an object of flattering, greeted with applause and given a hearing for the feeblest inanities — obviously nothing will serve except political position.”


“When the word leader, or leadership, returns to current use, it connotes a relapse into barbarism. For a civilized people, it is the most ominous word in any language.”

The God of the Machine. (1943)

Censorship is the negation of the human mind.  As rational thought is necessary to living a human life the censor, and those who demand it, are Enemies of Mankind.

Power destroys Humanity. 

Tyrants have their supporters.

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