Tuesday, May 31, 2022


The late Ayn Rand believed that a person should be in charge of their own life.  Rand’s position on Abortion is based on this belief.  Many of the proponents of Abortion (NOW, etc.) believe in Slavery and Murder (a.k.a. Marxism).  Most of them don’t care how high the pile of Human bodies is as long as they are in charge.  Many of the proponents of Abortion are also Collectivists.  To a Collectivist it makes perfect sense kill off useless feeders.  It made perfect sense to kill off the mentally retarded and the insane to a Collectivist such as a National Socialist.  Burdens and alleged opponents of the Collective (cripples, elderly, Jews, etc.) were to be killed off.  If a proponent of Abortion wants to see an Enemy Of Mankind they only have to look in a mirror.

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