Tuesday, March 22, 2022

On Pacifism

A rational study of the real world would show that a real state of Peace is effectively indistinguishable from a state of Liberty and a state of Security. Peace, Liberty, and Security are simply three words that a rational person uses to describe the same condition, the rightful ability to live one's own life without coercive interference by others.  A rational study of actual history would show that the state of peace for the citizens of a free nation is the result of the violent elimination of the would be conquerors and their pet quislings.  If we rationally examine those who constitute the membership of the so-called Peace Movement we find that virtually every one of them is an open advocate of the coercive subjugation of the productive members of the Human Race.  The occasional exception being a self-blinded fool who isn't paying attention to what they're ideologically in bed with.  In short, a "peace activist" and the "peace movement" are in fact enemies of Peace.

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