Sunday, January 30, 2022


The mask is fogging up my glasses.

The main problem of the Democratic Party is that they believe in coercion.

What the Republican Party needs to get through their collective skulls right now is the fact that the age of politics as usual is over.  No more compromise.  No more deals.  No more bipartisanship.  There must be a radical clean up of the mess that the Left has created.  The partisans of Socialism must be systematically removed from our public institutions.  And if we are to have a future as the core nation of our civilization we must make a special effort to clean out the Augean Stables that our educational establishment has become under the tutelage of the Left.  And we must with volume and clarity tell the spoiled brats who imagine themselves to be the heirs of Marx and Lenin to grow up or get out.

In the Collectivist version of a social and political order founded on the Primacy of the Parasite the ordinary person is looked upon as a tool to be used, the product of their labor is treated as the property of the collective which is distributed in accordance to those needs which are identified by the leaders of the collective.  An individual who's retired from the workforce requires food, housing, and medical care, all of which is taken from the collective pool of assets without any input to the resource pool from the retiree in return.  From the point of view of the collective leadership a retiree is a liability to the collective.  The good of the collective requires the reduction of such liabilities as early as possible. Thus it is in the best interest of the collective to encourage self termination by the elderly and the seriously or terminally ill.  It's also in the best interest of the collective to abort those fetuses that won't grow up to be productive workers in the collective.  If you think that what I just wrote is outrageous then think again.  One group of Collectivists, the National Socialists of Germany, actually carried out a program of euthanasia on developmentally challenged individuals of all ages.  Anyone who believes that an individual has no inherent Right to Life is capable of believing anything and as history has demonstrated capable of doing anything. 

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