Saturday, May 29, 2021

Diferences And Democrats

In Russia high school students are required to read The Gulag Archipelago by Alexander Solzhenitsyn with assembling and disassembling a standard infantry weapon.  American high school students can't even do that.  American high school students are ignorant of Totalitarianism and tought to fear weapons.  Many American High School students have become advocates of Totalitarianism.  This is clearly wrong.   

Liberals (or Progressives as they prefer to call themselves) come up with excellent reasons for decent people to just curl up and die.  Liberals (or Progressives as they prefer to call themselves) have set the world standard for stupidity since November of 1917.  Liberals (or Progressives as they prefer to call themselves) fully believe in the Neolithic notion of beating up people and taking their stuff.

Democrats are a bunch of traitors, thieves, and murderers who don't care how high the pile of human bodies is as long as they're firmly seated on top, thus are objectively unfit to hold any form of public office.  If this wasn't bad enough, as a former Army combat rifleman who refuses to be an mindlessly obedient drone in the socialist collective I'd be looked upon by the Democrats as some form of vermin.  Given the explicitly hateful and Stalinist rhetoric coming from the Democrats, it wouldn't be unreasonable to conclude that I could end up face down in an unmarked ditch outside of town.

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