Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Thought Of The Day

If there's one thing I've certainly noticed, it's that pacifists in general have no objection to enjoying the benefits of civilization but' re unwilling to take the measures necessary to defend it from foreign and domestic barbarians.  Such as the National Socialists, the Soviet Socialists, and the home grown socialists of the Democratic Party.  Contrary to their general delusion of virtue, pacifists are in effect, moral and political parasites upon civilized society.
The fact of the matter is that the self-described "Peace Activist" doesn't act out of conscience but out of a fraudulent desire to pose as a morally superior being without any regard for the millions of innocents that they condemn to death and servitude.  A "Peace Activist" is a willing accessory to the acts of mass slavery and mass murders committed by the various adherents of toxic ideologies such as Socialism and Islam.  And killing a "Peace Activist" isn't an act of murder, it' s in effect the putting down of a diseased animal which is a demonstrated hazard to innocent Human Life.

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